This blog might be for her, but I hope that everyone of us will learn something. Recently, a friend of mine sent me a wonderful text message. Here’s how it goes:
“You can walk into a room wearing t-shirt and jeans, no make-up and be the most attractive woman in the room.. At the end of the day, what makes a man ask for your number or want to ask you out is not because you look like America’s next top model, but because you are a thinking woman with opinion. Fashion sense helps, but brains will always be more deadly than a pair of stilettos.”
Alright, I just want to make it clear that I don’t mean to offend anyone. I’m just here for a reminder. Honestly, the quote for me is kind of incomplete. It didn’t include one thing. And I think, that is the heart. Sometimes, we became too busy thinking what to wear, what our hair should look like, or what kind of image are we going to portray. We came to some point when we tend to forgot the things that should be more important to us. I guess no teenager right now isn’t facing this kind of stage. But the scary part of this is when we became so unaware with the things that should matter more.
I admire the last part of the movie Mean Girls wherein Lindsay Lohan doesn’t belong to any clique or serve some queen bee anymore. She lives her life the way she wanted to be even though she has done some things she can never take back. She turned out to be a better person and she was happy with it. I also admire Jennifer Garner’s role in the movie 13 Going on 30. She pointed out that the spirit of young women should be more emphasized into the magazine. I believe that this is what most of us women lack these days. We forget to see who we really are because we are too busy looking for some things that we don’t have. Each one of us is beautiful in our own way. We don’t have to voice it out so loud. Instead, let’s be thankful for it. Let try to look back every once in a while and re-evaluate.
I remembered one sermon in Victory Fellowship. The youth pastor said there that we shouldn’t put our confidence in our selves or even on other things. We should only put our confidence in God. And I believe that by putting this in Him, it doesn’t require clothes, make-up, shoes, bags or any material things. Rather, it starts by having a healthy heart, a clean mind, God’s loving presence and joy of being who you are.
Let us feel beautiful everyday! God didn’t want us to frown all day with that zit.
Laugh it out. Smile. That’s what a real, young, tough lady do.
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