Thank God for the protection that He gave to my brother. He got into an accident while driving to the mall. As you can see the car is totaled but still thankful that he didn't get any serious wounds. Another thankful part is that my sister and I were supposed to ride with him but God used two amazing people for us not to be part on the accident. Thank you Lord for protecting us always. Not just from accidents, but also from calamities and crimes. Thank You for your guidance.

Ever since I graduated, I worked for my father as an accountant for our business. So I never had a chance to be interviewed, or took an exam, or be physically examined for me to be employed. I had an easy career life right after I graduated. But when I met my dad's speaker in a seminar, he offered me a job right then and there. I am thankful because I know I gained a lot of experiences, met new friends and of course learn more. Not only on the accounting aspect but I also learned how to interact with people now. I used to be scared, specially during first meetings. Going outside the comfort zone, exploring new things and just being brave and dauntless in facing new challenges head on are things that I needed to experience. I know I still need to learn a lot of things and I am thankful because God gave me a chance to take the first step. Here is a picture of some of my workmates.

I am thankful that my schatz and I got the courage, and be bold enough to start up a business. It has always been a dream for both of us to be entrepreneurs. And now we're living the dream! I know God will provide us the strength to keep this business going. He will make this small venture a big one. We're both positive. Website coming soon!! haha!
I love to travel! If I would be given a lot of time and money for that I would really do it more often. This year, I am thankful because I was given a chance to go to my most favorite place, the beach. I wish for more traveling this 2010! Pictures of Tagaytay trip, Putipot Zambales, Boracay and Mindoro

Before I wrote this blog, I took time to be really certain if I am fit to write those words. This year is the year that I cried for a lot of times. I got hurt really bad. It was really painful. Sometimes I kept questioning why such thing happened to me. But I know without these trials, I never had a chance to change. Reflect. Evaluate what I want and what I can really do. I knew that these came for a purpose. For me, to be more mature. As what the Bible said, "Consider it pure joy when you are tested, because the testing of your faith develops perseverance." I just thank God because I am still standing. I can still laugh. And I know that this is just a part that I had to go through, part of the journey where something great awaits at the end.
If this year was tough for me, well it's tougher for my sister. I think the amount of tears that had fallen from her eyes doubled mine. I can't describe the pain that she went through this year. I am just thankful that God gave her enough strength to keep going. And I know that she found it from the people who has so much love for her. Keep smiling sister. I love you.

I am really thankful for this year I got a chance to meet new people. I cannot remember the last time I met someone new, but this year, I got to meet a lot! And also this year, I had a chance to bond again with my old friends, to be close with those who became distant, and to know some friends better.

Bora buddies at Boracay, Aylin's & Rix's Bday Celebration

Haaaay, my old playmates. Patintero, agawan-base, piko, habulan tulungan. It's nice to see them all, binata at dalaga na. di na tau gusgusin! :)

We had a tough year last 2008. I am just thankful that now we understand each other better. Here's to more harutan, lambingan, kainan, pag-uukay this 2010. I am blessed to have you as my friend. I love you.

You're not a stranger anymore. All I can say is thank you. Thank you for everything. I am more than happy by being your friend. Wishing you all the best this 2010.
Maybe I forgot to mention some things or events that happened in my life but I just thank God for making 2009 such a colorful year for me! God is really good! I am excited for 2010! Happy new year to all!